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A Monthly Journal for Venture Partners and Enterprise Software Executives |
January 2004 |
In This Issue
Special Message from Angel Mehta, Sterling-Hoffman
Venture Profile: Bill Reichert, Garage Technology Ventures
CEO Spotlight: Mark A. Stiffler, Synygy
Predictions for Software Finance in 2004
If I'm In Charge, Why Don't People Do What I Tell Them To?
Software M&A - Fourth Quarter Insight
Executive Job Listings
Software Sales Jobs
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Special Message from Angel Mehta, Sterling-Hoffman
Dear Readers,
Last month I notified our audience about the upcoming Software 2004 event in
San Francisco as one to take note of. I am doing so again this month
because the event increasingly seems like a must-attend. The Sand Hill
Group (creators of the Software 2004 event) have released an impressive
list of speakers, including Ray Lane of Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield, and
Byers, Sanjay Kumar, CEO of Computer Associates, and renowned author
Geoff Moore (Crossing The Chasm / Inside the Tornado).
For more information, visit the link below:
I hope to see you there.
Angel Mehta
Managing Director
Sterling-Hoffman Executive Search
'Building Software Companies...One Leader at a Time.'

Venture Profile: Bill Reichert, Garage Technology Ventures
By Angel Mehta, Managing Director, Sterling-Hoffman Executive Search
After stints at McKinsey and several entrepreneurial endeavors, Bill
Reichert joined the hybrid venture firm / investment bank known as
Garage Technology Ventures, working alongside famed high-tech evangelist
Guy Kawasaki. Angel Mehta, Managing Director at Sterling-Hoffman, chats
with Bill Reichert about the value of keeping business models simple,
and why the smartest people don't always make the best CEO's.
Read full article >>
CEO Spotlight: Mark A. Stiffler, Synygy
By Angel Mehta, Managing Director, Sterling-Hoffman Executive Search
With over 47 consecutive quarters of profitable growth, Synygy is
perhaps the hottest company in enterprise software that has never
accepted venture capital financing. Angel Mehta, Managing Director at
Sterling-Hoffman, chats with Synygy's founder and Chief Executive
Officer, Mark Stiffler, about the expanding market for employee
incentive management solutions and key transition periods in Synygy's
growth from startup to market leader.
Read full article >>
Predictions for Software Finance in 2004
By M.R. Rangaswami, Co-founder, Sand Hill Group LLC
This year will provide many opportunities for growth for software businesses. Contrary to what you might be hearing in the news, the software industry is very much alive today. The tough part is that the business has changed so dramatically from where it was even two short years ago. There is a new landscape of vendors, products and customers shaping the software industry.
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If I'm In Charge, Why Don't People Do What I Tell Them To?
By Steve Martin, Author, "Heavy Hitter Selling - How Successful Salespeople Use Language and Intuition to Persuade Customers to Buy"
Have any of these scenarios ever happened to you? As you closed your staff meeting, you already knew the agreed upon action items wouldn't get done. After months of wining and dining the perfect candidate to join your executive team, you're blindsided by his or her decision to join another software company. The venture capitalist that seemed so interested last week won't return any of your calls. If people aren't following your lead, perhaps it's time to take a look at the principles of persuasion.
Read full article >>
Software M&A - Fourth Quarter Insight
By Ken Bender, Managing Director, and Allen Cinzori, Vice President, Software Equity Group LLC
The fourth quarter ended on a high note with some very strategic deals, several of which signal a shift in buyer thinking. Valuations continued to improve, with a few deals priced at higher multiples than we've seen for some time. Click to read an analysis of six of Q4's most interesting acquisitions.
Read full article >>
Executive Job Listings
7223M - VP Sales |
Texas |
Early stage network security solutions vendor requires a seasoned sales executive to initiate early customer traction and build a high quality sales organization from the ground up. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 7 years senior level management experience, a track record of success in start-up environments and significant domain expertise in the security software space.
8655J - Vice President of Marketing |
San Mateo CA |
Our client delivers market-proven hosting services that empower channel partners to sell more effectively while providing vendors greater visibility into their reseller's sales processes. Our client is the leader in this next-generation Partner Relationship Management sector described in a recent Aberdeen Group profile as Channel Side Enterprise Applications (CSEA). They require a VP Marketing with a strong strategic affinity to own product management/marketing and marketing communications.
6522J - Vice President of Sales |
Anywhere |
Publicly traded vendor of predictive analytics solutions requires a VP Sales to oversee all direct and in-direct sales in North America. Minimum 5 years of executive management experience selling enterprise applications is required. Experience overseeing a minimum of $50M in revenue also required.
9651J - Vice President of Sales |
NYC or LA |
Our client provides enterprise software that enables the creation, management, deployment and measurement of live and on-demand e-communication presentations. They are forecasting profitability with revenues of over $5M for FY04. They require a VP Sales that can build a high-caliber direct organization while continuing to develop the reseller channel. A background selling and managing the sale of big ticket enterprise software is a must.
7861B - Vice President of Marketing |
Bay Area |
A profitable, pre-IPO software company is seeking a Vice-President of Marketing, whose primary strengths and experience base are in the area of Marketing Communications. Ideally from a front-office applications software vendor, should have at least ten years experience in media and public relations, analyst relations, customer messaging, designing collateral, high-level web design, webinars, seminars, road shows and trade shows. Looking for an energetic, enthusiastic, intelligent "doer", who has the ability to develop the main marketing strategy of the company and, from that central strategy/message, craft and articulate relevant messages to senior executives of each of the company's communities and stake-holders, including customers, analysts and shareholders, press and public, and employees. This is definitely not a position for an empire builder - the person will run a small, lean, efficient marketing department, leveraging internal and third party resources, such as a P.R. firm, effectively. The company has revenues of about $20 million and employs about 130 people.
To apply for any of the above openings, please send one email to Please include full job titles.
Note: We appreciate all submissions, but only qualified executives will be contacted.
All senior sales executives are encouraged to post resumes on