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March 09 Issue |
Seven Predictions for Open Source in 2009
The Economic Downturn and the Move towards Alternative Software Models Will Combine to Push the Open Source Market Forward This Year
By Roger Burkhardt, President & CEO, Ingres
2008 was an eventful, breakthrough year for many open
source companies and 2009 will be even more so, especially in
terms of business purchasing patterns, software business model
shifts and enterprise software stack evolution. The current
economic conditions will certainly prompt businesses to look
more closely at alternative IT solutions – and open source
technology will be one of the big winners next year.
Here’s a look at a few 2009 open source market predictions that
I believe will re-shape the software market in the coming year.
- Adoption of Open Source Software Will Increase As the Economy
As the 2008 recession extends into 2009, it will change the
software landscape, as the economic ‘shock’ forces businesses to
make structural changes to their IT strategies to drive down
Open source software eliminates up-front licensing costs and
drives down the total costs of new projects. It also introduces
competition that will be used by customers to improve their
negotiating position with the oligopoly of proprietary software
vendors that dominate the market.
Open source companies will see stronger year-over-year revenue
growth than the proprietary software sector. Our company, Ingres,
an open source database provider, recently announced that 2008
revenues will grow by more than 25 percent over 2007 versus
traditional industry software growth rates at 7 to 8 percent
Growth rates for propriety vendors will take a hit despite moves
by traditional companies like Oracle to actually raise prices
during the economic downturn. The company’s 45 percent increase
on its BEA acquired-WebLogic application server, for instance,
is causing customer migration to JBoss’ open source enterprise
application server.
- Open Source Adoption Will Accelerate Across the Full
Infrastructure Software Stack and into Applications
As more companies seek innovative solutions that do more with
less, they will follow the early adopters who ten years ago
pioneered the use of the Linux operating system and in recent
years have been using open source throughout their
infrastructure stack. Areas of significant infrastructure
adoption include application servers, messaging and databases,
especially for Java-based applications, which are standardized
and relatively easy to port to open source solutions. At the
application level, we’ll see accelerating adoption of Business
Intelligence (BI), Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and
Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) solutions.
- SaaS and Cloud Computing Solutions Will Grow and Pull Open
Source with It
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and open source share the same
attractive economic model with lower overall costs and critical
for this recessionary environment, they both have zero up-front
capital costs and variable operating costs. Companies will
continue to move to subscription-based services that allow them
to get a better handle on their IT costs. Moving to these
pay-as-you-go services will also let executive teams re-size
their technology budgets to adapt to current economic
conditions, or to their company’s changing revenue streams.
Both SaaS and open source will see growth in new adoption. SaaS
growth will also pull more growth in open source as it delivers
the right economics for the SaaS providers. As more companies
integrate both forms of software into their internal IT systems,
we’ll see more customers push-back against yesterday’s
proprietary licensing models. Together, SaaS, cloud computing
and open source offerings will also allow entrepreneurs to start
new businesses with very little capital, even during a
- Mergers and Acquisitions of Open Source Vendors Will Continue
M&A activities will continue to change the open source landscape
as proprietary vendors acquire more open source companies and as
open source companies merge. In turn, these events will keep the
investment cycles going, as recently witnessed by the late 2008
funding of companies including JasperSoft and Infobright, both
raising $10 million during what is currently a nuclear winter in
capital markets.
We’ll likely see the first open source application and/or open
source Business Intelligence (BI) company get acquired. Red Hat
and Sun may make acquisitions to further build-out their
respective open source stacks and Novell may use its cash from
the Microsoft licensing deal to expand its open source
footprint. Meanwhile, valuations will outpace industry averages
but not reach the dizzying heights experienced during the last
M&A wave in the mid2000
- Competition from Open Source Will Drive Proprietary Software
Vendors to Take the First Steps in Changing Their Business
The combination of an ‘economic shock’ to established
procurement habits and the availability of mature and proven
‘commercial grade’ open source software stacks will make 2009
the year in which open source competition drives proprietary
vendors to begin changing their business models. Customers who
are substantially downsizing their businesses will no longer
accept the ‘ratchet model,’ where software costs only go up
because of the negotiating leverage of the large vendors.
Expect proprietary vendors to start realigning their business
models to customer preferences, initially by emphasizing their
own SaaS offerings while fighting a strong rear guard action to
protect their much larger proprietary licensing and support
revenues. Customers will respond to economic challenges with
more centralized procurement and strategic adoption of open
source, which will improve their negotiating position by
demonstrating their willingness to implement open source
alternatives for important applications.
- Open Source Stacks Emerge from Strong Market Partnerships
Open source vendors will continue to join forces to create whole
open source stacks and to offer certified and pre-configured
solutions that substantially reduce staffing costs. These
partnerships will create a better way to compete with existing
providers by offering easier implementation than combinations of
products from proprietary software behemoths like IBM, Oracle
and Microsoft.
Customers will recognize and experience the cost benefits from
hardware through software infrastructure right up to the
application layers of their entire technology stack. For
example, a Red Hat, JBoss and Ingres stack will be available for
Java application developers and a competing Sun stack will be
offered to existing Sun and MySQL customers.
JasperSoft will partner with open source database providers to
create a complete data mart solution to make business
intelligence initiatives affordable for newly constrained
budgets. These and many other partnership-driven open source
stacks will provide competition and spur innovation that opens
up important new choices in the software marketplace.
- Systems Integrators Will Guarantee First-Year Cost Savings
for Migrations to Open Source
Look for offerings from the many global systems integrators who
have strong balance sheets, experience with open source and are
wrestling with how to maintain growth over the next few years.
Businesses that want to move to lower cost and variable cost
platforms, but don’t want to deal with first year capital costs
to do so, will be offered a way through global systems
integrators. These companies will use their balance sheets to
pay for their customers’ transition to open source as part of
multi-year contracts to "migrate, innovate and operate".
Systems integrators have the financial strength and pricing
methodologies to propose fixed price multi-year contracts for
migration and operations to their customers and in many cases to
fund innovation as well. These offerings will cover a spectrum –
from migration to a fully managed service, to migrations
followed by on-premise support and maintenance services.
Reprinted from "Seven Predictions for Open Source in 2009,"
SandHill.com, by Roger Burkhardt.
Reprinted with permission of the author.
Roger Burkhardt serves as President and CEO of Ingres, the
leading business open source database and is responsible for all
facets of the company’s worldwide business and also serves on
the company’s Board of Directors. He is responsible for
corporate strategy, development, engineering and, global field
operations. Prior to Ingres, Roger was Chief Technology Officer
and Executive Vice President of the New York Stock Exchange.
Prior to the NYSE, he was President of listed equities for
OptiMark Technologies, a developer of electronic trading
technology that was adopted by more than 80 percent of the top
200 trading firms in the United States. Roger was also with IBM
for 15 years, most recently, served as Director of
CapitalMarkets, IBM Banking, Finance and Securities, where he
ran a $250M business unit serving the needs of the Wall Street
banking community. He currently serves on the Board of Directors
of MarketAxess (MKTX) and holds an MBA in Finance from New York
University and both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Physics
from Oxford University. A former member of the IBM Advisory
Board, Roger is recognized by Wall Street and technology
innovators worldwide for his customer advocacy work and thought

