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How Can So Many Chiefs Be So Wrong? continued... page 2 |
Non-compliance carries fines. Establishing unique patient identifiers will make records safer and patients less vulnerable to insurance or employment discrimination. Role based access to patient records will enable doctors to focus better on the cure and limit administration to billing without meddling in treatment. Electronic records security and retention policies will create an audit trail. Portable electronic records will facilitate improved care for the patients and streamline process for providers.
Critics complain this transition is expensive and complex. Some medical practitioners feel detailed record keeping is intrusive and puts them at risk of litigation. True. But when life and death hang in the balance, is anything but the best judgment and treatment an option? Leaders need to fight to provide the newest vaccines, scanners, drugs, drug delivery systems, and diagnostic tools -- enable the doctors offices and health care providers to focus on care and cure.
Rolling back legislation crafted to cure abuses or improve accountability and quality of services is misguided. Compliance is not a liability; it is an opportunity to excel.
Congress can do better by helping build the core value that lies at the heart of new rules -- provide tools to revitalize the soul of the enterprise, rebuild infrastructure, retool skills, construct substantive value, and resurrect the culture of trust, collaboration, and teamwork. Lobby not to make consumers more susceptible to bad practices, but set the stage for strong global leadership.
Lobbyists need to seek Congress" help for tax incentives to improve the infrastructure that meets Compliance. Build a rubric to qualify and excel at different tiers of achievement within time windows. Establish awards for best practices. Seed consortiums for industry collaborations. Make heroes of those who hit the targets first. Review results and improve services. Providing top quality services made Carnegie's Steel empire, Ford's automobile inventions, Carlson's Xerox, Watson's IBM, and Eastman's Kodak great. Restore the luster to the US Industry by besting the world on quality!
CEOs can choose to ride the compliance train to competitive advantage. Revitalize the enterprise. Renovate the infrastructure. Merit lies in not fighting, but embracing compliance for global leadership in quality of services. Lobbyists, Congress, and champions of industry will do better by enlightening and enabling this path.
But what does this portend for the role of IT leaders, practitioners, and professionals?
Compliance is IT's turn to lead. We are experts of new tools more powerful than ever before. They solve compliance problems that CEOs need fixed. In implementing new tools for compliance, we can clean-sweep problems and remove bottlenecks that have constricted progress for decades. We can help revitalize every silo of the enterprise. We live a life of discipline, requirements, specifications, project management, matching skills and resource allocations, managing schedules and logging deliverables progress. We have tools and skills - competence to solve CEOs" problems.
Lead by educating, training, and coaching. Learn what's needed for compliance and construct options. Step out to help answer questions. Be the reliable, friendly, outgoing resource that's looking to partner and collaborate. It is hard to put aside the reality of low budgets and increasing demands, but we must. Attitude is good but substance is what counts. Learn what your peers are implementing. What are good resources best practices for IT in your industry. What are your current IT partners/vendors doing in your industry to solve similar problems? Are you a good candidate for beta testing a new solution?
As always, trust has no substitute and credibility has no price - build and preserve them. Solve problems to improve your enterprise performance and open doors for progress. Compliance is IT's time to shine.
Embrace compliance as a catalyst for competitive revitalization.
Rajeev Rawat is the Founder and President of BI Results, LLC, which focuses on compliance issues for IT. Prior to founding BI Results, Rajeev was developing Business Intelligence Solutions for IBM Systems Group, focusing on integrating servers-storage-DB2-BI tools to build standardized solutions, as well as supported proof-of-concepts (POC) and industry benchmarks (TPCC, TPCH). Rajeev can be reached at RR@BIResults.com

